Meet your water experts
Our teaching partners offer deep academic and professional experience covering the full breadth of the global water sector. Courses and webinars are presented by our instructors in partnership with the Australian Water School.

Dr. Martin Hendriks
Dr. Hendriks is Associate Professor (retired) of Physical Geography and Hydrology at the Faculty of Geosciences, Utrech University in the Netherlands. He is the author of “Introduction to Physical Hydrology” (Oxford Press) and is one of the primary instructors for our Hydrology and Hydraulics Essentials course series. (more…)
Dr. Jessica Daignault
With degrees from Colorado State University and Michigan Technological University, and consulting work centred on stormwater and sanitary sewer flow, Dr. Daignault combines academic and industry experience in her teaching. She currently teaches civil engineering coursework at Montana Technological University and is one of our key instructors for the pressure flow content in our Hydrology and Hydraulics Essentials course series. (more…)

Dr. Hubert Chanson
Dr. Chanson has published over 1,250 peer-reviewed publications, including the popular textbook “Hydraulics of Open Channel Flow.” Currently a Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Queensland, Dr. Chanson provides workshop material and specialty lectures for our Hydrology and Hydraulics Essentials course series. (more…)
Dr. Tony Ladson
Dr. Ladson has 35 years of consulting experience in hydrology and river management and is currently an adjunct Associate Professor at Victoria University. With a PhD from the University of Melbourne and a MS from the University of Minnesota, Dr. Ladson bring an international perspective to the applied hydrology modules that he provides as part of our Hydrology and Hydraulics Essentials course series. (more…)

Dr. David Montgomery
Dr. Montgomery is a professor of geomorphology at the University of Washington. He received a BS from Stanford University and a PhD from UC Berkeley. Dr. Montgomery has written a number of popular science books on the links between civilizations, soils, and fluvial processes. He provides content for our Hydrology and Hydraulics course series related to erosion, sedimentation, and geomorphological processes. (more…)
Dr. Robert Keller
Dr. Keller served as head of the New Zealand Ministry of Works and Development’s Hydraulics Laboratory and has undertaken both physical and numerical modelling of hydraulic structures around the world. Dr. Keller is a retired Associate Professor from Monash University and has over ten years of experience teaching professional development courses in hydraulic design. (more…)

Chris Goodell
Chris is an internationally known leader in hydraulic modelling with expertise in hydraulic structures and software development. Chris was formerly a member of the HEC-RAS development team and is the author of “The RAS Solution” and “Breaking the HEC-RAS Code”. Chris is a primary presenter for our dam breach modelling courses and other hydraulic modelling content. (more…)
Michael Konieczki
Mike is a civil engineer with over 15 years experience modelling complex hydrological and hydraulic systems, including flood warning and reservoir operation decision support systems. Mike has published peer-reviewed papers on flood forecasting and teaches the stochastic hydrology modules of our Hydrology and Hydraulics Essentials course series. (more…)

Evan O'Brien
Evan is a certified civil engineer with 17 years’ experience in water resources design and civil site construction roles. He has conducted hydrological and hydraulic studies of road, rail, airport, and mining projects. Evan has extensive modelling experience using a range of hydrologic and hydraulic modelling platforms. Evan provides lecture and workshop support for our flood modelling courses. (more…)
Kyle Thompson
Kyle is a Technical Director at Water Modelling Solutions with extensive experience in civil engineering, hydrologic analyses, and hydraulic design. Kyle has a broad variety of project experience, including physical and numerical modelling of fish passage structures. Kyle is a lead presenter for our courses on rating curves and other hydraulic modelling topics (more…)

Casey Kramer
Casey was formerly the State Hydraulic Engineer for the Washington State Department of Transportation. Casey is a recognised expert in the fields of hydrology, hydraulics, scour, river engineering, sediment transport, and fish passage. He teaches our courses and webinars covering rip rap design and other scour countermeasures. (more…)
Mark Forest
Mark has 40 years of consulting experience, specialising in flood control planning and design, floodplain management, rainfall/runoff modelling, hydraulic modelling, and dam breach modelling. Mark is HDR’s global practice lead for floodplain management and modelling. Mark has been a principal presenter for our live courses and online webinars. (more…)

Martin Jacobs
Martin is a Principal Hydraulics Engineer with 30 years of experience across Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, and the UK. Martin’s projects include the Pacific Highway and Hong Kong International Airport. Martin is the key presenter for a HEC-HMS course series that was conducted together with the HEC-HMS development team. (more…)
Dr. Hans van der Kwast
Dr. van der Kwast is a senior lecturer in Geographic Information Systems and Spatial Data Management at IHE Delft Institute for Water Education. Hans is the co-author of of the book “QGIS for Hydrological Processes”. He has served as a primary presenter on our webinars and courses related to GIS. (more…)

Dr. Steven Joynes
Dr. Joynes is the director of Golovin, providing best-practice methods in water modelling, including the development of the Modelling Policy Statement, peer review structures and training programmes. Steven was the inaugural Chairman of Water New Zealand’s Modelling Special Interest Group. (more…)
Emily Rand
Emily currently leads UNICEF’s water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) program in Zambia. Emily has advised governments with the World Bank and has led WASH projects for a range of non-profits. Emily provides resources for practicing water professionals to contribute to global outreach programs. (more…)

Krey Price
Krey is a civil engineer with a 25-year technical career in water resources. Krey has international experience in numerical modelling, hydraulic design, and construction of flood protection structures. Krey has a comprehensive background in teaching, training, mentoring, and managing professional development through academic partnerships and internship programs. (more…)
Most of our instructors are experienced hydrologic and hydraulic modellers. Watch Grady Hillhouse explain what a hydraulic model is and what a hydraulic modeller does: